Saturday, March 27, 2010

6 months, highs and lows

My little angel face cutie pie is six months old today.  This has been the best six months of my life.
(And of her life, but that's by default.)

Of course there have been ups and downs.  Lots, actually.  One day I'm feeling like a candidate for
 'world's greatest mom' because I've got laundry done, dinner made, and a happy baby in the tub.
The next day I'm just hoping not to get turned in for accidentally letting
her eat a Target receipt.
But all of that aside, being Carolyn's mom is a true pleasure.
She is a giggly, happy, peaceful girl.
Who usually has only one sock on.


  1. I love being her aunt!! I am so glad she is easy going. You are such a great mom!

  2. Shes so beautiful...and Happy 1/2 birthday to her..and you all...How is everything else goin...hope all is well..!!

  3. You've been blessed with the baby with the best temperament in the world! She's so happy all the time. You help create that temperament on a daily basis, and I so admire you for all you do with her!! It's a joy to see. (no pun intended)

  4. Thanks you guys! So sweet to have friends who love my baby too!

  5. Way to go Mom. Happy half birthday baby sis. Go make us proud. Glad to be her big sis. Love u all.
