Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday update

Minus 1 pound this week, 15 in all. I thought I had done better than that, but I'm glad to be going in the right direction.


  1. You are still releasing weight! Great job!! Keep it up.

  2. Yay Joy! If you really wanted to tip the scales you could trying going #2 before you weigh in. I am like 98% certain that is what they do on the Biggest Loser.

  3. i'm so proud of you Joy now here is the question when are you going to motivate me??!???!!!!

  4. Thanks for the tip, Mer! How do you think they make themselves lose NO weight after all that working out? You know, GAMEPLAY...

    Rebekah, move to Austin and I will motivate you like it's my full time job.

    Thanks Leslie!
