Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday update

Minus .6 this week, 14 pounds total. This week stunk. Not because of a small loss, but because I fell off the wagon. Darn you, second grade Valentines party! I'm disappointed, but ready to get back on track.


  1. School parties......I have no will power at them. I hear ya!

  2. tell me about it, the girl scout cookies are what did it to me last week!

  3. OH Cass, I ate a whole box of Caramel Delights in two days...just to hurry up and get it over with. Congrats Joy, 14 pounds like losing a medium sized cat. Imagine carrying around a medium sized cat all day. Now put it down. That's like losing 14 pounds. Great job.

  4. Mere, too funny and sounds way too familiar. Sorry Joy didn't say way to go, that is awesome!

  5. Mere, Caramel Delights are a health food. They are 'light' after all. Not for cats, of course.

    Thanks cass!
