Monday, January 18, 2010

Monday update

Minus 5.4 pounds! Woohoo! Don't expect that every week. This isn't the Biggest Loser.

Week one went well. I've done Weight Watchers (about a million times) before, so I read up on their weight loss guidelines for nursing moms. I'm not writing down what I eat, but I'm pretty much counting WW points in my head. I might start keeping a food journal sometime. Maybe not.

I didn't exercise a whole lot, but I did take C on a few walks. My neighborhood has some pretty sweet eye candy, by the way. I'll share that later this week.

Thank you so much for the sweet comments on the blog and FB, as well as positive thoughts! (Of course I'm also grateful to Mike for the smoothies.)

I hope you have the day off for MLK like I do!


  1. Woo hoo! Congratulations! I know how great that must feel. I'm already feeling nervous with the weight gain I have endured and I still have 4 months of pregnancy left to go, I'm scared ha. Just keep it going!

  2. way to go joy!! I gained 10 lbs since they were born. got my gym membership back so hoping to shed those and a few more would be great!!

  3. WooHoo Joy! That's awesome! I'm so proud of you! :-) Hope you have a GREAT week!

  4. Well done! Keep up the great work. I will expect to be inspired by you on a regular basis. And I will keep walking if you do! :)

  5. you should reward yourself with a cracker.
    might I suggest a RITZ?

  6. AWESOME!! Good job!! Keep up the good work!
